
Risk factors in air transport for patients

Background: The units that are used for an air transport are: the helicopter which covers distances up to 250 km and the aircraft used for longer distances. By air, the time needed is reduced to half or even to one third compared to terrestrial transportation. Aim: The aim of this review was to investigate the risk factors in air transport for patients via seeking literature. Method and Material: Literature review based on studies and reviews derived from international (Medline, PubMed, Cinahl, Scopus) data bases concerning risk factors in the context of air patient transfer. Results: Important disadvantages of air transports are stress during flight, Oxygen partial pressure reduction – hypoxia, reduction of the barometric pressure, temperature reduction, moisture reduction – dehydration, noise, vibrations, acceleration forces G and fatigue. The right selection of the staff and the equipment is very important in transports. Attention should be paid before and during transports, and at the arrival at the area of destination. During the transport a bag with the right equipment should accompany the patient. Anything that it may need to be done during the transport must be done before the start of the transport. Finally, we shouldn’t forget that the key for a safe transport is the stabilization of the patient before the transport and the safest transport is the one that never happened. Conclusions: It is very for healthcares who transfer patients by air to be trained on indentifying factors that can be proved dangerous for the patient.

Author(s): Intas George

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